Annika Bourgonje
Visiting Student Researcher
I am a visiting student researcher from the Netherlands and Sonia gave me an opportunity to work in her lab for six months.
I have a bachelor in biology and currently am finishing my masters in behavioral a cognitive neurosciences in Sonia’s lab.
I did both my bachelor and my masters at the University of Groningen. I am originally a molecular neurobiologist and have done mostly
molecular projects in the past. However, I am very interested in human cognition and how this would interact with genetic variations,
which is what I am doing in the lab at the moment. I hope in the future to be able to combine both backgrounds and continue in the field of
neurodevelopment disorders such as autism, being able to understand the entire picture, both on the level of cognition as well as a
molecular and genetic basis. To this regard, I have found the project in Sonia’s lab very helpful.
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